
Hi, I'm Melissa, and this is my blog.

(I don't know who that guy is)

I started it last summer when I realized that the chest freezer that I just had to have was completely empty. With a whole, free summer before me and a busy Fall staring down at me, I decided to use blogging to keep me accountable to making some healthy freezer meals with which to fill up that sucker.

Along the way I discovered that I liked to write a blog! I find it to be a much-needed outlet for creativity and reflection - even if I am merely reflecting creatively about pancakes.

Guess what? My freezer is still pretty empty (although I did fill it up by the end of my inaugural summer).  These days you'll find me writing about many different things that interest me: cooking healthy food, eating a healthy portion of baked goods and ice cream each day, kids (I have three of them), freezing stuff, running, marathons, midwifery, being a bad gardener, making fun of myself, etc.

I hope you enjoy! Leave a comment, that's always fun.

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